Suggestion about Luxons and Kurzicks
With the upcoming chapter and the ability to choose between 2 factions I think that there were a unsecure-area such as big as maybe a third of the ascalon area. Both luxons and kurzicks could have one BIG city each with a lot of guards and so on. When you exit that city it shouldn't be like all other citys that you enter a "own copie of the world". So it should be like a town that you can go in to witthout loading or anything like that.
In this area there should be no quests or something like that, the only thing that you could do there is to raid the other faction city. The main objective is to kill the other faction general in the city. of course he is very well guarded and maybe he can be level 40 or something.
The maximum number of a party could be like 20 people and of course groups can co-operate as you dont go in a "own copie of the world". All people that made one hit on the general when he dies get some nice reward and the general should make on drop of a ORANGE weapon wich could be a REALLY rare weapon with 10 more then the maximum damage and with some nice mods. Since only one man gets it and I don't think that the general will die so often it really is rare!
So here's for my other idea
When you kill the opposite faction people in this area you should gain a special faction. And when you reach 1000 you gain one rank and 3000 you reach rank 2 and so on... Your rank should stand in front of your charcters name. For example: [Rank 12] Murre Black. Also I think that you should be able to do some ther sweet things except then just be able to do a new emote when you reach higher ranks. For example you could buy a Rank 12 Rune that is better then the normal ones. Or Buy a Rank 6 Chestpiece.
Anet PLEASE implent all these things in the upcoming Chapter